Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What Have I done?

I can't believe I told him that.
I can't believe I actually feel like that.
What happened to never falling in love?
This can't be right. I'm not going to love him anymore. I can't. I'm not going to get hurt. I won't let myself. If he tries to talk to me I'll ignore him.

*Nialls P.O.V.*

        Two days.
Two days since she told me she loved me.
Why did she run off though? I mean, if we both love each other... it just doesn't make sense...
I can't take not knowing anymore. I have to confront her. I'm going to go over to her house right now and demand an explanation.
I quickly got in my car and drove towards her house.
A few minutes of nothing but the sounds of cars and I could see Odessa's house come into view.
I parked in front of her house and ran up to her porch. I knocked quickly and waited.
        "Hel- Oh, its you," She frowned.
        "Yeah, it's me. You know, the guy who you ran out on after telling him you love him," I recalled.
        "Yeah, well. I lied," She stated simply.
        "What?" I asked confused.
        "I lied. I don't love you. In fact, I hate you. I just felt bad for you," She answered.
        "No you don't," I denied.
        "Yes I do. Now please, get away from me," She requested.
I just turned around and walked back to my car. I could barely see through my tears as I drove back home.

**Sasha's P.O.V.**

Harry and I were now officially a couple. As of 20 minutes ago.
        "Do you want to see if Niall and Odessa want to watch a movie?" I suggested.
        "Sure. I'll call Niall," Harry pulled out his phone and quickly dialed Niall's number.

                **Phone convo. No one's P.O.V.**
Harry: "Hey, do you wanna come over and watch a movie?"
Niall: *Sniffles* Nah, I can't.
Harry: Why are you crying?
Niall: S-she told me s-she l-loved me. But, now she s-said she h-hates me.
Harry: Who?
Niall: Odessa.
Harry: Do you wanna come over and talk?
Niall: No. I'm just gonna go home. I really wanna be alone right now.
Harry: Alright, talk to you later.
            **End Convo Sashas P.O.V.**

        I looked at Harry concerned, "Why was he crying?"
        "Odessa said she loved him but now she hates him."
        "No she doesn't," I mumbled.
        "What?" Harry asked.
        "She doesn't hate him," I said louder.
        "How do you know?"  Harry asked.
        "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone else."
        "I won't."
        "Well, two years ago Odessa was dating this guy, Steven. They dated for a year and a half. They were in love... or at least she was.  See, as it turns out... the fucking dickhead dated three other girls in the time they were dating.  One for 6 months. One for 2 and another for 7. She cried for weeks. It took me two months to get her out of the house. It still  hurts her. She won't allow herself to be hurt like that again... so the second someone mentions any feelings.... she's gone. She has probably crushed so many boys but she doesn't care. As long as she doesn't crush herself."
         Harry looked at me, stunned, perhaps, "I can't tell Niall this?"
        I pretended to slap him, "Hell no! He's the LAST person you could fucking tell, not that you can fucking tell anyone in fuck's place but NO!"
        Harry chuckled, "Seeing how many curses you put in one sentence, I don't think I'll tell him."
        "Good, because honestly, if you did, we'd be over. That's how much Odessa means to me," you said seriously.
Harry nodded.

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