Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gift From the Gods

  I'm curious as to what Niall has to show me, mostly because I've already seen his house, which is a fucking AWESOME dump. Yep, a dump that's fucking awesome. I'm so funny, right?      
        "YOU CAME!" Niall exclaimed.
I couldn't help noticing the way his smile warmed me up, his voice sounding like he was thinking I wouldn't come, but was glad that I did. I feel, wanted. And the only two people that ever make, made, me feel that way are... Sasha... and, him.
        "Of course I came! Who do you take me for?" I replied tartly.
        Niall chuckled, "I dunno, a self righteous bitch?"
        I laughed, "You wish!"
        "Actually, I don't. You're a beautiful girl that I've come to admire and love, despite her sassy, sarcastic, rude, irritating, stubborn, ways," Niall stated clearly.
        "Way to lay it thick," I raised an eyebrow.
        He just said he admires and loves me, friend-like, or more? I fidgeted a bit with the thought, and then I realized that Niall was just flat out staring at me.
        "Bastard, let me in!" I snapped.
Laughing, Niall opened the door and we walked to the kitchen, where his mini tv and three huge bowls of popcorn were set up. I breathed in the salty smell of the food in front of me, noting the huge bottle of soda.
        "Want some..." pause, "NIALL!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO THIS MOTHERFUCKER!" I exclaim, as the soda explodes, EVERYWHERE.
        Ever heard the term "rofl"? Ever seen some do that, literally? Well, I'm joining your club. Niall rolled on the floor, laughing hysterically, mangled cries coming out of his grinning lips.
        "Nice Niall... just nice," I muttered to myself, the soda had already begun to get really sticky.
        "Ya know you love me for it!" Niall smiled brightly, as he picked himself up off the floor.
        "Okay, cut the chase though, what did you want to show me?" I replied, very annoyed, and even more curious.
        "This..." Niall took a deep breath, and then, "I see her eyes walking my way, I see her smile at me. I feel the wind through the trees, the sun shining on me, and I realize, she's this much to me. She's everything I ever needed, everything I've been looking for. She my princess in gold."
        I swear, I think my mouth dropped. The melodic tunes that came from Niall was so beautiful, the lyrics matching his rough accent perfectly.
        "Damn Niall! Someone got a gift from the gods!" I said shocked.
        Niall grinned shyly, blushing bright red by now, "You should hear Harry sing. He's really good too."
        "Both of you?" I asked incredulously.
        Niall chuckled, as his cheeks slowly turned back to their normal color, "Yeah. But I wanted to let you know that singing means a lot to me, cause I love you and all."
        Before I can shut my fucking mouth, unforgettable words spill out, "I love you too."
Time to run away.
And run away I do.

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